
Notice regarding regular performance casting

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support of our theater company ``096k Kumamoto Opera Company'' and the stage play ``Keiji Maeda Kabuki Tabi - Higo no Tora Kiyomasa Kato''. We would like to inform you about the casting for regular performances. In order to further raise the level of the troupe, starting from the December performance, we will not be particular about the red or white groups, but will cast the cast in a way that will allow us to show off the best performance and new charm for each performance, and we will announce this in advance. I have decided to do so. By casting multiple people in each role, we can improve the quality of the stage performance without sacrificing it, and the entire theater company can work hard to prepare for long-running performances and performances in various theaters scheduled for next year and beyond. We would like to respond to this. Thank you for your understanding. On the official website, there was a description of the red and white teams for the December performance, but the casting for the December performance will be changed as follows.
We will continue to work hard as a team and staff to bring energy and smiles to everyone, so we appreciate your continued support. 096k Kumamoto Opera Company

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