
A florist who was short on money started selling cannabis...? “Tokyo Cannabis Special Zone: The Man Called the Cannabis King” Volume 2 released

Volume 2 of the comic “Tokyo Cannabis Special Zone: The Man Called the Cannabis King” (author: Yuto Inai), which is being serialized in Monthly Comic Zenon, will be released today, August 20th!

``Tokyo Cannabis Special Zone: The Man Called the Cannabis King'' is a crime suspense story in which the main character, Morio Chito, reunites with an old friend at a university reunion and becomes involved in a crime related to cannabis. .

Manga with the theme of illegal drugs such as cannabis are not uncommon these days, but what makes this manga unique is the ``realism of the manufacturing process.''

The main character, Morio, uses the plant cultivation knowledge he has cultivated at his flower shop to try to produce higher quality cannabis. Their thorough pursuit of quality is hard to see in someone who has never dealt with cannabis before.

[caption id="attachment_14093" align="aligncenter" width="240"]
Morio was stunned when he first saw cannabis. However, eventually I will take care of it myself... [/caption]


Morio is barely able to support his family while managing his flower shop, which is in financial difficulties, and is unable to buy clothes for his wife or even a smartphone for his high school daughter.

Furthermore, the family budget falls into the red after a traffic accident caused by his wife. I had no choice but to accept an old friend's invitation to grow cannabis, which I had adamantly refused at first. You can get a glimpse of the real reasons why people have become involved with cannabis in real life.

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Her dream of running a flower shop wasn't going well, and she had to put up with her family[/caption]


And Morio is not the only one who gets involved in cannabis crimes.
From Morio's old friend Kagayama, who encouraged him to grow cannabis, to his family, who unknowingly enjoy the profits made from cannabis... If you manufacture illegal products, the people you interact with will naturally become anti-social entities like organized crime groups.
Morio's life and those around him begin to go awry.

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After Morio meets his old friend Kagayama again, everything changes. If I don't meet this man, or... [/caption]


Morio's peaceful daily life suddenly changes and he becomes fascinated by the illegal plant, cannabis. What will be his fate?

``Tokyo Cannabis Special Zone: The Man Called the Cannabis King'' is being serialized in Monthly Comic Zenon, released on the 25th of every month. The latest volume 2 is released today!

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