
Regarding the new coronavirus infection of our employees

August 27, 2020
Coremix Co., Ltd.
Regarding our employee's infection with the new coronavirus


On August 26, 2020, it was newly confirmed that one of our employees (a man in his 30s) was infected with COVID-19.

In response to this incident, we have followed the instructions of the relevant public health center and today had a specialist company disinfect the relevant areas of our head office building. The public health center has responded that there have been no close contacts between our employees or business associates related to this case, but we have asked employees in the vicinity of the affected employee to work from home. These employees are scheduled to undergo PCR tests immediately.

Our company will continue to implement working from home and staggered work hours to further prevent the spread of infection and prioritize ensuring the safety of all stakeholders and employees as we go about our business. In addition, we will report the test results of nearby employees on our website as soon as they become available.

We would like to inform you about this incident and how we are dealing with it, and we kindly ask for your understanding.


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