The Japanese dubbed version of the live-action film "City Hunter: The Movie - The Greatest Mission in History," which was released in France in 2019 and became a huge hit, was released on Blu-ray and DVD on May 8th.
Here is an overview of the film
A deluxe Blu-ray edition with bonus features will also be released. This content can be enjoyed along with the highly polished film, which Hojo Tsukasa has endorsed as "this is City Hunter!"
[Deluxe Edition Bonuses]
①Theatrical trailer<ティザー予告、本予告、「コマ割り風」予告(縦)、「コマ割り風」予告(横)>
②Making of footage
③Pre-release screening and stage greeting (October 20, 2019)
④Reduced-scale Japanese dubbed version script
⑤Reduced-scale theater pamphlet
⑥Box set
※Main disc (Blu-ray) + bonus disc (DVD)
※Main length: Japanese dubbed version 92 minutes/subtitled version 91 minutes
Purchase here
The French live-action film "City Hunter: The Movie: History's Greatest Mission" is now available on Blu-ray and DVD!
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