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New goods for "Aono Tatsuki," a popular series currently being serialized on Manga Box, will be released. They will be sold at the "Adachi Satoshi Signing Event" venue and other locations to commemorate the release of the 15th volume of the comic.
- Core Mix
- Aono Tatsuki
[New Coa Mix] Zenon Comics released on March 19th!
- Core Mix
- The Great Powers Front
- Witch Wars: 32 talented witches kill each other
- Tokyo Duel Ring Battle
- Tengen Heroes War
- Record of Ragnarok
- Valkyrie of the End: The Case Files of Jack the Ripper
- Aono Tatsuki
- Fist of the North Star
- Sarumane
- Keiji Maeda Kabuki Journey
- My favorite idol became my subordinate
“Ao no Tatsuki” Volume 12 will be released on November 20th!! A special video of the completion of the cover illustration will be released!!
- Aono Tatsuki
- Core Mix
[Limited to the first 100 people! ] Commemorating the publication of volume 8 of “Aono Tatsuki”! Satoshi Adachi's autograph session will be held!
- coamix
- notice
- Aono Tatsuki