The TV drama “Neko Kare -Kei Shonen-” is currently being aired!! The latest volume 6 of the original manga “Kei Shonen” is now on sale!!
- keep a boy
- Media adaptation
- Core Mix
To commemorate the broadcast of the TV drama “Neko Kare - Keeping a Boy”!! We are holding an A3 poster giveaway campaign for the original work “Keeping a Boy”!!
- keep a boy
- Media adaptation
- Core Mix
"Neko Kare - Keeping a Boy -" poster visual released! Co-stars, theme song, and promotion video have also been released!
- Core Mix
- Drama
- Media adaptation
[Determined to be made into a TV drama!!] The WEB Zenon Editorial Department is holding a campaign to release 4 volumes for free!!
- keep a boy
- Media adaptation
- Core Mix
Drama "Neko Kare - Keeping a Boy -" starts on October 7th (Saturday)!! Broadcast every Saturday at midnight on BS TV Tokyo!!
- keep a boy
- Core Mix
- Media adaptation
The movie ``Tail Kashira Atsuki.'' ” Supporting comments have arrived from the original author, Mizu Sahara! Newly drawn illustrations published in the latest issue of Comic Zenon!
- Media adaptation
- Film adaptation
The movie ``Tail Kashira Atsuki.'' ” Scheduled to be released on Friday, August 18th! Comments from the gorgeous cast members have arrived
- Media adaptation
- movie