
The second release of co-stars from the drama "Smearing Mud on the Face" starring Takahashi Hikaru! A gentle man who changes completely when he puts on makeup -- he splashes cleansing oil on you! Nishigaki Takumi cuts into your heart with his icy smile as the most terrifying moral harassment man!!

"It's a challenging work that's the complete opposite of the roles I've played so far."

Nishigaki Takumi has been chosen to play Takahashi Hikaru's boyfriend, who transforms into a moral harasser after starting to wear makeup!

Yoshikazu's popular comic "Smearing Mud on My Face" (Zenon Comics/Core Mix), which caused a big stir on social media, has been adapted into a drama starring Takahashi Hikaru!  The protagonist, Yuhara Miku (Takahashi Hikaru), who begins to take a step forward after a fateful encounter with a makeup-wearing guy gives her makeup, confronts her boyfriend who has transformed into a moral harasser, and changes her life with the power of makeup -- a "life-changing love story." In this work, Nishigaki Takumi, who is garnering attention as a young actor who will lead the next generation, has been chosen to play the role of the moral harasser boyfriend who pushes Takahashi into the depths of fear!  He will show a new side of himself in his first "villainous role."

Taking on the challenge of playing a villain for the first time! "I'll do my best to make people scream"

Nishigaki plays Yuki Yuuki, commonly known as Haru, an elite lawyer who lives with Miku. Haru has been with Miku since their school days, and is smart, kind and admired by everyone. He is a very calm and gentle boyfriend who is always concerned about Miku... However, when Miku happens to meet Takakura Eve (Kimura Keito), a man who wears makeup, and gets her to do his makeup, the gentle Haru suddenly changes into a man who abuses others. Although he says hypocritical words like "for Miku's sake," he is cold-hearted and ends up toying with Miku!

Nishigaki, who made his acting debut in 2021, has made a name for himself by appearing in a series of popular dramas such as "Minato Shoji Coin Laundry" (2022, 2023), "The Woman Who Wants to Kick a Man Who Gets Hooked" (2023), "Pending Train - 8:23, Tomorrow with You" (2023), the stage play "Gekidan Shinkansen Rose and Samurai 2 - The Return of the Pirate Queen" (2022), and the movie "My Happy Marriage." Nishigaki has played a wide variety of roles, but this is actually his first time playing a villain! Nishigaki said, "I've often played roles that seem bad on the outside but are good at heart." "In that sense, this time, I'm playing a role that is very good on the outside, but his true nature is revealed in front of Miku, which is a contrast to the roles I've played so far, so I thought it was a very challenging work," he said, his eyes shining with expectation. Meanwhile, Nishigaki himself is a graduate of Keio University, and during his student days he even participated in an overseas expedition as a member of the Japanese national fencing team, so his refined aura, which is similar to that of the elite Haru, makes him a perfect fit for the role! "I'll leave the cheering to Kimura Keito and the others, and I'd like to do my best to give the viewers a different kind of scream!" says Nishigaki enthusiastically, so be sure to keep an eye on him as he takes on the role of the emotionally abusive boyfriend, Haru, with all his heart and soul.

With the announcement of a star-studded cast one after another, expectations for the series are only growing, and more cast members will be revealed in the future, including the mysterious lawyer Onitake Shuma! Please look forward to it!

Main characters

Miku Yuzuhara (Yuzuhara Miku) ... Hikaru Takahashi
She works at a department store as a receptionist. She has low self-esteem and is always considerate of others. She has been living with her boyfriend Haru for six years since their school days, and dreams of one day marrying him, who is kind and good at his job. She used to wear modest makeup every day because Haru wanted her to look pure and innocent, but after meeting Eve and discovering the freedom of makeup, she struggles to change herself, who was afraid to speak her true voice.

Takakura Eve (Takakura Iv) ..... Kimura Satoshi (FANTASTICS)
A university student who loves makeup and beauty. She usually works part-time at a gallery cafe. She sometimes enjoys cross-dressing in women's fashion to match her makeup, but she is interested in women. She doesn't care what others think of her, but many people look at her strangely. When she meets Miku by chance, she is impressed by her genuine compliment. Miku, who tends to neglect herself, changes with the power of makeup.

Haruhisa Yuki.... Takumi Nishigaki
Miku's boyfriend is an elite lawyer. Nicknamed Haru. Smart and kind, he was popular with everyone since his school days. He dislikes flashy clothes and doesn't like Miku to wear flashy makeup because he "likes neatness." He has a gentle tone of voice and is always kind and considerate, saying "for Miku's sake...", but after Miku met Eve and started wearing makeup, he suddenly changed into a moral harasser and drove Miku into a corner.

Touma Kitake
A young lawyer. Despite his playful appearance, he is an elite who passed the bar exam in straight sets. Due to a certain incident, he becomes close to Miku and Haru, but his purpose is unknown.

Comment from Hikaru Takahashi (role of Miku Yuhara)
When I was shooting the teaser with Nishigaki-san, I was standing there serious, but Nishigaki-san would laugh when he saw my face (laughs). It's not so much a relationship with Haru-kun, but rather a relationship between us as people, the atmosphere is so well-established that I feel very at ease. He has an air of a funny older brother, and Nishigaki-san's sister is apparently the same age as me, so I feel like he'll be a really reliable older brother on set. That relationship has completely changed, and we're tied together through the role, so I can't imagine what will happen yet, but I'm looking forward to it!

Comment from Takumi Nishigaki (role of Yuuki Yukyu)
-Please tell us how you felt when you were chosen to appear in this film.
This time, I will be playing the role of a morally abusive boyfriend, but I have not really taken on roles that are this extreme before. I have often played characters who appear bad on the outside but are good at heart. In that sense, this time, I have a role that is very good on the outside but his true nature is revealed in front of Miku, which is the opposite of what I have played so far, so I thought it would be a very challenging work and I was really looking forward to it. Actually, I wanted to try playing a role that is smart but has a bad personality. Haru-kun was a perfect fit, so I was really happy. Since it is quite extreme, I would like to challenge myself while exploring how far I can go on the set.

-What kind of person do you think "Haru" is, played by Nishigaki?
Haru-kun hurts Miku and is (generally speaking) a bad person, but he loves Miku deeply and just ends up using the wrong methods. I want to be sympathetic to those feelings. I hope he will be able to remain steadfast in the idea that "he acts because he cares about Miku."

-What is your impression of the lead actress, Takahashi Hikaru?
We worked together on a magazine shoot about two years ago, and it's been a while since then, but my impression of her hasn't changed since then; she's cheerful, sociable, and very reliable. She's two years younger than me, but even back then I thought she was mature in her way of thinking. I also think she's someone who lives her life with a strong sense of purpose, so I'm looking forward to seeing how she will portray Miku, who seems like she'll fly away somewhere if the wind blows. However, there are a lot of serious scenes with me, and even during the teaser shoot, Takahashi-san laughed just by looking at my face, so I'm a little worried (laughs).
When the cameras aren't rolling on set, I communicate well with my co-stars, starting with Takahashi-san, and although I don't have many happy scenes, I'd like to keep my on and off life about equal (laughs).

--Please give us a message for the viewers, including the highlights of the film.
This time, I will be taking on the role of an emotionally abusive boyfriend for the first time, but I will leave the cheering to Kimura Keito and the others, and do my best to receive a different kind of shriek from the viewers! Thank you very much.


(Original work) Yoshikazu "Throwing mud on your face" (Zenon Comics/Core Mix)
(Screenplay) Tomomi Okubo/Erika Toyama
(Direction) Izuru Kumasaka/Meigetsu Takahashi
(General Producer) Nobuyuki Hattori (TV Asahi)
(Producers) Eizo Fujisaki (TV Asahi) / Sho Sejima (Studio Blue)
(Production cooperation) Studio Blue
(Produced by) TV Asahi

Original information

Manga "Smearing Mud on Your Face" (Zenon Comics) 8 volumes
Author: Yoshikazu
Published by Coremix
Serialized on the website "Zenon Editorial Department" (completed)
Read the first chapter

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