The first episode of the drama "Smearing Mud on Your Face" starring Takahashi Hikaru aired today, and the long-awaited cross-dressing visual of Kimura Keito, who plays the makeup boy Takakura Eve, has finally been revealed!! In addition, the music video for the popular song by RIIZE, who performs the theme song, will appear in the film!
- Core Mix
- smear mud on one's face
- Drama
Takahashi Hikaru & Kimura Keito (FANTASTICS), Nishigaki Takumi & Takano Akira gathered at the press conference for the drama "Smearing Mud on Your Face"! They're from the same generation and have a "good vibe"! Takahashi also gives his stamp of approval to Kimura's drag look! Are you scared of Nishigaki's cracked eyes!? Takano's punch line is met with laughter!
- smear mud on one's face
- Core Mix
- Drama
[Only 2 weeks left until the long-awaited broadcast starts!] The main visual for "Smearing Mud on My Face" starring Takahashi Hikaru has been released! -Changing lives with the power of makeup- A "life-changing love story" The "makeup" that is the key to the story is supervised by genderless model Idegami Baku!!
- Core Mix
- smear mud on one's face
- Drama
Change your life with the power of makeup! The fourth release of co-stars from the drama "Smearing Mud on Your Face" starring Hikaru Takahashi! A luxurious cast of rapidly rising stars and talented actors, including Kaoru Okunuki, Michiko Tanaka, Airu Kubozuka, and Asuka Kawazu, has gathered together!!
- Core Mix
- smear mud on one's face
- Drama
Change your life with makeup! [A love story that turns your life around] The third release of co-stars from the drama "Smearing Mud on Your Face"! Takano Akira, a highly skilled actor with experience in stage plays and musicals, takes on the role of a mysterious elite lawyer!!
- Core Mix
- Drama
- smear mud on one's face
The second release of co-stars from the drama "Smearing Mud on the Face" starring Takahashi Hikaru! A gentle man who changes completely when he puts on makeup -- he splashes cleansing oil on you! Nishigaki Takumi cuts into your heart with his icy smile as the most terrifying moral harassment man!!
- Core Mix
- Drama
- smear mud on one's face
Starting this summer! The first release of co-stars for the drama "Smearing Mud on the Face"! Keito Kimura (FANTASTICS) uses makeup to transform the main character Hikaru Takahashi into a gender-free boy who changes her life!!
- Core Mix
- Drama
- smear mud on one's face
"Change your life with makeup!" Hikaru Takahashi stars in the popular comic "Smearing Mud on Your Face," which caused a huge stir on social media, and has been adapted into a live-action drama!!
- Core Mix
- Drama
- smear mud on one's face